Understanding Wide-Column Stores
To understand the concept more clearly, let’s start with an example of Relational database : Customers Id Product FN Date Country 1 Dell Harry 17/04/2018 India 2 Dell Harry 17/04/2018 India 3 Apple Ron 17/04/2018 India 4 Sony Ron 17/04/2018 South Africa 5 Sony Hermione 17/04/2018 South Africa When we convert this to a Column Store , this is how it looks like: FN LN Product Date Country Id Value Id Value Id Value Id Value Id Value 1-2 Harry 1-2 Potter 1-2 Dell 1-5 17/04/2018 1-3 India 3-4 Ron 3-4 Weasley 3 Apple 4-5 South Africa 5 Hermione 5 Granger 4-5 Sony Now a Wide Column store will Group the columns which are accessed frequently together into one , like Id Name 1-2 FN Harry LN Potter 3-4 FN Ron LN Weasley 5 FN Hermione LN Granger Some key...